Berks County Criminal Defense

If you’re facing a criminal charge, the matter is serious, and the outcome will directly affect your future – in ways you may not have even considered. Bringing your strongest defense is paramount, and having the skilled legal guidance of an experienced Berks County criminal defense lawyer in your corner from the start is the most important step you can take in your efforts to accomplish this.

Common Criminal Charges

At Feeman Law Offices in Berks County, we have a wealth of experience successfully defending clients facing a wide range of common criminal charges that include all the following:

This is in addition to sex crimes, which range from sexual assault – or rape – to indecent assault, statutory rape, prostitution and solicitation, child pornography, and sexual abuse or solicitation of a child.

Protect Your Own Rights from the Start

You’re facing a criminal charge, and you may have no idea how to protect yourself. Fortunately, there are two simple steps you can take that apply across the board and that are likely to make an immense difference in the outcome of your case. These are letting the police officer who is questioning you know that you are invoking your right to remain silent and that you want an attorney.

Your Miranda Rights

These are your Miranda rights, and they are powerful. Upon arrest, the police are required to read you these rights, and invoking them both immediately is always in your best interest. While you will need to answer any basic questions regarding your identity and address that the police ask you, that is the extent of your responsibility. Once you tell the police that you won’t be doing any more talking, it’s time to stop talking – because anything that you go on to say can be used against you.

Waiting until You Have an Attorney Present

Once you let the police know that you want an attorney, it should shut down all questioning. Regardless of whether it does or not, however, you’re advised not to speak until you have the practiced legal counsel of a dedicated criminal defense attorney backing you up. 

Consult with an Experienced Berks County Criminal Defense Attorney Today

In your search for the right criminal defense lawyer for you, you’re looking for someone who has a wide range of experience successfully defending clients – in pursuit of optimal case outcomes that support their futures. And Scot Feeman at Feeman Law Offices – proudly serving Berks County, Pennsylvania – fits the bill well. Scot has a wealth of experience on both sides of the courtroom, and his prosecutorial background informs his imposing practice as a seasoned criminal defense attorney. For more information about what we can do to help you, please don’t wait to reach out and contact us online or call 717-273-1763 today.

We Are Here For You When You Need It Most

Feeman Law Offices specializes in bankruptcy, family law and criminal defense matters in Lebanon, PA. Get in touch with us today and let’s review your case together.

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